Credit Union BUSINESS is a monthly CU trade
publication and a robust internet site ( and thanks to
social media sites like LinkedIn includes a dynamic information flow via a a
fast-growing e-mail audience of decision-making credit union
"C-Level" executives! CU BUSINESS also brings top CU executives
together with the best product and service suppliers.
"CUB" was launched in July, 2005 to be the finest source of "Business" information for credit unions. HR:1151, "The Credit Union Membership Act" was signed into law by President Clinton on August 7, 1998. This act changed the opportunities for credit union growth by opening membership to communities across the USA and expanded credit union memberships from consumers to businesses.
"CUB" was launched in July, 2005 to be the finest source of "Business" information for credit unions. HR:1151, "The Credit Union Membership Act" was signed into law by President Clinton on August 7, 1998. This act changed the opportunities for credit union growth by opening membership to communities across the USA and expanded credit union memberships from consumers to businesses.
The ultimate result of HR:1151 will be a more dynamic CU industry with a constant thirst for first class BUSINESS Information which CU BUSINESS will proudly provide.
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